Corporate Social Responsibility
Consultant and Assessor of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Non-financial Reporting in accordance with international standards.
She participates in some of the work commissions within Diligentia ETS, a non-profit association for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development of which she is a founding member.
She is a GIF AP (Get It Fair Approved Professional) and an Envision SP (Envision Sustainability Professional) which means a professional trained and licensed to evaluate or make consultancy according to the GIF ESG Rating Scheme and to the Envision Rating System for Sustainable Infrastructure.
She is also Auditor for different management systems (ISO 9001 and ISO 45001, UNI/PdR 125, ISO 30415), total quality (EFQM, European Foundation for Quality Management) and product certification (Remade in Italy).
She carries out professional activities on behalf of Italian bodies and institutions abroad in the field of occupational health and safety and for the preparation of the Risk Evaluation Document in accordance with the Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008 for some of which she also performs the role of External Responsible of the prevention and protection service.
She worked for an Italian Certification and Inspection Body specialized in construction for over 10 years, in India, also in the role of MR and Accreditation Manager for 3 schemes (Management Systems, Inspection and Product Certification against ISO 17065).
She actively participated in the development of Get It Fair Framework and Scheme from its conception.
Deep experience in the textile and clothing sector with particular reference to outsourcing in Eastern Europe, North Africa and Asia both.
Graduated in foreign literature.
Core Team
Silvia Scozia
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Silvia Scozia
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Giulia Biselli
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Giulia Biselli
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Jon Kinnell Sullivan
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Jon Kinnell Sullivan
Associate Experts
Nicolás Braguinsky Cascini
Ilaria Pierozzi
Fred Betley
Ian Corder
Sylvie Laine
Edith Aldewereld
Juan P. Aris Escarcena
Leanne Mair
Ioannis Ioannou
Fernando Lopez del Prado
Robert C. Brears
Andrew White
Dalila Seoane
Tommaso Scannicchio
Judy Lee